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DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club

Edited Nov 2023 - CS



The Club’s Range Safety and Operation Rules are established to assure the health and safety of everyone

who uses the facilities as well as the community at large.


1. Always treat every gun as if it is loaded.

2. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

3. Never point your gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.

4. Keep your finger off the trigger until the gun is lined up on the target.



1. The Club’s facilities are operated as a “cold range”. All exposed firearms may not contain any ammunition except when they are actively being used on a “hot” firing line or shooting bay.

2. Shooters must always be considerate of others using the range.

3. If there are multiple shooters using a firing line or shooting bay at the same time, each shooter is limited to one bench and one lane.

4. Targets must be directly north of the shooter. No cross-firing.

5. Before a firing line or shooting bay is “cold,” all shooters on the firing line or shooting bay must acknowledge the “cold” call. As shooters wearing hearing protection may not hear the command, double check to assure that all shooters on the firing line or shooting bay acknowledge the “cold” command. The firing line or shooting bay, however, is not fully “cold” until all shooters have properly secured their firearms by unloading them, removing all ammunition, leaving the breech open, engaging the safety, and then placing the firearm down (pistols may be holstered, bagged or boxed) on a shooting bench or shooting mat and stepping away from the firearms. Chamber safety flags should be used if available.

a. When the firearm is properly secured and the shooter is away from the firearm, each shooter must call, “line clear.” When all shooters acknowledge “line clear”, the firing line or shooting bay is “cold” and shooters may proceed downrange to set or change targets.

b. Firearms may not be touched or handled during “cold” range periods, no exceptions. Cased firearms may be unloaded from a vehicle at these times but must remain cased until the firing line or shooting bay goes “hot.”

c. When a shooter returns to the firing line or shooting bay area, he or she should shout “range clear” to indicate they are out of the active firing area. When all shooters are “range clear”, it is “range hot.” At this point, shooters may return to their firing positions and resume handling firearms.



1. The DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club Como range facility is a private club and is accessible to members and guests only. Always keep the gate closed and locked when a Range Officer is not on site.

a. Exception: Authorized organizers of scheduled training or other events open to the public may choose to leave the gate open and unlocked during the period in which the training or other event is occurring.

2. All firing lines and shooting bays will be kept open and available for usage by Club members in good standing, and their guests, as much of the time as is practical.

a. Areas may be closed for special events and maintenance. These closures will be published on the club’s web site in as far in advance as is reasonably possible.

3. During competitive matches or other similar events, one or more qualified Club members must serve as

a Match Director / Safety Officer. Specific range rules may be modified by the Match Director as required for the event.

4. Arrange targets so that bullets strike the North impact berms after hitting the target. ALL SHOTS FIRED MUST REMAIN ON CLUB PROPERTY.

5. Members must wear their membership cards in a manner that is always visible to other members when on the range.

6. Hours of operation are Sunrise to Sunset, Como time, every day of the year. The top of the Home Page of the Club website  shows the approved hours hours for shooting for each day of the year. 

7. The following are always specifically prohibited at the range:

a. Use or consumption of alcoholic beverages.

1. Exception: The Board of Directors may allow the consumption of light alcoholic beverages (beer or wine) in specific areas during special, scheduled events by persons participating in those events.

b. Possession of illegal or recreational drugs.

c. Usage of fully automatic firearms, bump stocks, and binary triggers.

d. Tracer, incendiary ammunition, armor piercing or penetrator rounds.

e. Tannerite or any other type of exploding, reactive or moving target.

f. "Bump, quick draw/fast draw, instinct firing (firing without aiming)” or drawing from a shoulder holster; drawing from a drop-leg holster or waist holster is permissible providing the gun is not discharged until the pistol is completely out of the holster and finger off the trigger until a proper sight picture is established, with the muzzle pointed at the target.

g. Cans, bottles and/or plastic containers as well as fruits, vegetables, and other organic matter as targets.

h. .338 Lapua and larger centerfire cartridges (Very High Energy rounds) are prohibited eff Nov 2023.

NOTE: examples 35 Whelen, 45-70, 50 cal black powder etc.. are acceptable. eff Nov 2023. Contact board@desotogunrange if you have questions.

i. “Horseplay” of any kind at any time.

j. Any comments or behaviors a member may reasonably interpret as belligerent, hostile or threatening.

k. Offensive targets such as those depicting pictures or images of elected officials and/or prominent people, religious or ethnic imagery, etc.

8. No hunting is allowed on range property.

9. Members may bring as many as two (2) non-member guests each visit. The member assumes responsibility for the actions of their guests while at the Club.

10. Small vehicles such as Golf Carts, ATVs, and similar may be driven into any “downrange” area. Passenger or other vehicles may not be driven into any “downrange” area except as authorized by an event organizer to facilitate event setup or teardown.

11. Two range flags must be flying before firing may commence. The range flag at the northeast corner of the 600-yard Long Distance Range must be up and a range flag must be raised on the pole nearest the firing line or shooting bay to be used before any firing may begin.

12. Club target frames are provided for member convenience. Targets should be mounted to the frames so that bullets impacting the targets do not also impact the target frames. Target frames should be at sufficient height so that rounds passing through the target impact the berm at the far end of the range. Use the PVC pipe sections (if provided) to raise target frames as necessary to achieve the desired height to assure bullets strike the impact berm.

13. Only Club owned target frames should be stored in Club facilities. If you bring a target frame, you must take it with you when you leave.

14. The only steel or reactive targets permitted on ranges are those belonging to the Club. Member owned metal or reactive targets are not permitted.

15. Eye and ear protection are required for all minor children under the age of 18.

16. Every member is responsible for cleaning up his or her area after firing. All centerfire metallic cartridges and shotshells must be picked up as well as any other trash such as empty food packaging, beverage containers, ammunition boxes, etc. Please be sure the lid is properly secured to the container when you put it back on.

17. When not actively shooting, secure and store your firearm(s) so they are not accessible to anyone else.

18. No firearm training without board approval. Proof of insurance and range use fee must be provided.

19. WHERE PERMITTED, No shooting from standing position, greater than 25 yards.



1. No rifles larger than a .22LR allowed on pistol bays 1 &2.

2. Pistol Bay 3 may be used for all calibers of pistols and rifles, not to exceed .30 caliber for rifles.

3. Clay pigeons may be shot in all pistol bays but must be set on the north berm and may never be thrown. Shotguns may be used in all pistol bays with lead shot only (no steel shot) when clay pigeons are used in this manner.

4. Shotguns may not be used with club provided target frames at any time.

5. All target frames must always be set up so that rounds impact the rear (North) berms only; there are no exceptions.

6. Target center-of-mass may be no more than 5’6” (66”) above the flat ground level of the pistol bay in use, whether the targets are freestanding or mounted in the north berm itself.

7.  Bay 3, 50 yds, can only be shot from 25yds or closer. ABSOLUTELY no shooting beyond 25 yds.



1. The only allowable distances to install target frames on the 200/50 Yard Rifle Range are 100, 150 & 200 yards. 50 will have permanent target backs

2. No crossfire into the 200 while seated at 50, and no crossfire while seated at 50 into 200

3. When the 200-yard range goes cold, the 50 yd must go cold also, and when the 50 goes cold the 200

must go cold also.

4. When using 200-yard shot marker, the 2 left benches will be designated for shot marker use

5. No pistols or shotguns are to be used on the 200 Yard Rifle Range.

6. No shots may be made on the 200/50 Yard Rifle Range while standing. All shots must be made while sitting, kneeling or prone.

7. Rapid fire shooting on the 200/50 Yard Rifle Range is not allowed. There must be a minimum of a 3 second gap between each shot.

8. Target frames should be at sufficient height so that rounds passing through the target impact the North berm at the far end of the range. Use the PVC pipe sections (if provided) to raise target frames as necessary to achieve the desired height to assure bullets strike the berm.



1. The 600-yard Long Distance Rifle Range is open only to members who are certified to shoot on that range.

a) Exception: Non-Certified Shooters are permitted to use the area during club sanctioned matches

b) Active Members - Please see an RSO or 600 qualified Match Director for certification



Violation of these rules may subject the violator to such disciplinary action as the Club’s Board of Directors, acting on behalf of the Club’s Membership, may impose. This may include expulsion from the DeSoto Rifle & Pistol Club and/or criminal charges may result if the situation dictates, they are appropriate.

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